Moto : Decent
work for Domestic Worker
What is domestic work ?
work = task perform @home or another home, (or you can say own home + other
Who are domestic worker ?
§ Person
who do domestic work
They do work what we not want to do
↑↑in Nucleus → ↑↑need of Domestic
worker for middle class & above, → led to ↑↑in there nos
52m people worldwide,
Imp contribution to nation economy as
they free up other to do there work → ↑↑in GDP,
But people not recognize them as worker
→ i.e. seen as servant or slave,
There Characteristics in world
worker characteristics
Isolated & unprotected,
>80% = woman with more
10.5m are child → there bad future → ↓↓
economic productivity → ↓↓GDP
Majorly migrants,
Only 10% domestic workers are under any
Majority = @Asia-pacific region, ~40%
Only 3% = get weekly off, comparing to
world average = 50,
1% have max working hour
Right to min wages + maternity benefit
= only @Latin America → & it have a far cry in Asia,
@2000 UNHRC declare it as Contemporary
Lack of legal protection → make more
Social security is another major
characteristics in India
8% India popu = domestic worker = 2x of
'05 figure
Recent delhi case of 35yr old MP's
house domestic worker's death by MP's 50yr old wife
illegal confinement + torture & physical violence on 12yr old girl
by AI Air hostess for over 1 yr
human trafficking, generally from
Jharkhand to Delhi, for 8k Rs, in thousand on nos, sold @delhi for 35k →bonded
labor, agent even take monthly salary of this bonded labor & not give a
penny from it to concern worker,
Even relative sold girls,
Traffic cause = middle
class need cheap labor → it leads to trafficking,
Unregulated agencies like:-- placement
agencies → really exploit them → This all is a serious civilization issue,
As no law + no representation + rural
background → no sufficient wage + extend hour +
adverse/unsafe/unnatural/uncomfortable working Env + discrimination on caste, +
↑↑woman vulnerability,
wage decided by emp
"Change in India's family
+ "ageing process" +
"urbanization" → make
rise in there demand
Main problems, key issue, There
§ Main
Rapidly growing but, fall short in
labor protection→ here main problem is that they not cover under existing labor
As they have separate & multiple
workplace → efforts of organizing them = very less effective,
§ You
can divide solution In 2 broad category:
Organize them via unions
Enact law/legislations&Implement(which
not happen in India ) Those laws
§ Detailed
solution & Key issue:
Although we have all legislation of
labor protection, but not reach to domestic worker as it have a separate world
where its home & work place is same,
Definition: it say
="work in own or other house" → exclude which work as
cleaning/cooking @office/shops, → although they come under existing labor law →
but it need clarification,
Wages: no work
to ware relation mechanism, whether wage based on time or place, over time,
size of household persons, DA allowance, Whether
any family member need special care,
Sexual Harassment: esp. who
live in there employer's home, Vishakha
is not applicable to domestic worker → make them more vulnerable, migrants are
also vulnerable,
Discrimination: as they
are coming from marginalized sections, even CoI Art15(no
Trafficking & migrant labor: both inter & intra-country
migration/traffic, + low bargaining power,
even CoI Art23 prohibit traffic & forced labor,
Regulation of agencies: they
proliferate in India, → harassment
Freedom of Unions: give
there Union a place in Trade Union Act'26, give
"domestic Worker" a "industry" status
→ then setup co-op, credit-groups,
Training & certification:
@last Effective
implementation, implementation in Kar & MH = not
upto level, Labor dept always show its inability, → so here role came of Trade
Unions to use media or so for a better implementation,
Workplace: a vague
term in context of domestic worker as they have to visit many houses,
Although there are not always bad, many
emp & employer make a good co-op / collaboration → to rise of both
o As by ↑↑
in skill → worker's ↑↑wages too & employer get good work done,
§ Internationally:
ILO's convention
@'11 → Came into effect@'13, sought:
Domestic work as productive/economic
Decent work
Weakly 24hr off
Minimum wage
Choose place to live → not force to
live in house where they work,
Min age = no child,
Clear employment condition with emp
assent ( preferably written)
Freedom for union/association, &
then right to bargain with there employers,
Thailand & Philippians = signed
C189 & try to organizing them
US also enact various legislations
& organize them
People think domestic work = unskilled
as people do it @home, → this notion undervalued of domestic worker → low wages → this perception = wrong → but now
its changing → as they counted there experience, for a family which need more
than normal. Like:--
§ @ Hong
Kong, 15yr ago
§ via Trade
worker take training & skill course with
certification→ which ↑↑there salary
A specialized training like:-- child
care specialist, + experience → make easy for them to find jobs,
Although, In India this type of
initiative start in Delhi already,
§ In
Main problem in India =
"Labor" = @concurrent list, →
turf battle b/w states & centre
Domestic worker are not protected under
existing labor laws as,
They are not incl in Trade
Union Act'1926,
due to notion that "Household" is not considered as "Indus"
in economic consideration → this stand have a cascading effect on all laws
enacted thereafter,
India detail
Enacted legislation
Tamil Nadu Manual Workers (Regulation
of Employment and Conditions of Work) Act, 1982
Maharashtra Domestic Workers Welfare
Board Act 2008
Policy Framework for Domestic Workers
2011 = 2011 sought for minimum wages for
Minimum Wages Act'05 – Notifications of
Karnataka - after public outrage
Minimum Wages Act'05 – Notifications of
Kerala -after public outrage
Code of conduct related to Domestic
Workers in MH
Draft Legislations and Bills
A Domestic Workers (Conditions of
Service) Bill, 1959, by private member bill @RS, + other bill there after with
different names → but all of them never
The House Workers (Conditions of
Service) Bill, 1989, soughing min wages → never pass
The HouseMaids and Domestic Workers
(Conditions of Service and Welfare Bill), 2004
Domestic Workers (Registration, Social
Security and Welfare) Bill, 2008 (DRAFT Bill)→ by NCW, a comprehensive bill
seeking registration, setting
"Domestic Worker Welfare Fund"→ worker + employer have to contribute,
defined placement agencies, fine for violator,
Domestic Workers (Regulation of
Employment, Conditions of Work, Social Security and Welfare) Bill, 2008
The Domestic Workers Employment Rights
Protection Bill, 2004 (SEWA- Kerala Bill)
+ other child labor related laws
India, Saudi Arabia to ink pact on
domestic workers
National Domestic Worker Union Lucknow,
work for making unions in UP for such workers
What happening recent / Misc/Gemstones
§ After a
day's hard work, all they get is hunger, sleep deprivation, insult and in some
cases extreme violence... Unless the society wakes up against such brutal
behavior, such treatment will continue, → so they are become → Silent
§ Until now India's baby step = acknowledging
domestic helps as worker it
extend benefit of insu to them, a bill pending which protect them from sexual
§ Kerela,
MH, Kar → but no implementation with spirit,
§ entitlement
of weekly off & paid leaves & other social benefit also make them real
§ Although
we need ILO's ratification but min what India need = passing National
commission for woman bill'08 which seek regulating working condition
of domestic worker
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