Historical Background
E- governance in India owes its origins to the in house development of applications during the 1970s
and 1980s in defense, economic planning,census, tax administration and elections.
massive efforts were made during the 1980s by the National Informatics
Centre(NIC) to connect all the district headquarters in the country througha
VSAT network.
However, all
these efforts were mainly governmentcentric with the primary objective of
exploiting information andcommunication technologies (ICTs)for automating
internal government functions.
centricity with a focus on improving delivery of services to the citizens was not
the primary goal during this period.In the late 1980s, a few computerization
initiatives in the government started making an impact on citizen services.
The most prominent among these was the
computerization of the passenger reservation system by the Indian Railways
during this period received a major thrust with the launch of NICNET in
1987,followed by the launch of DISNICthat aimed at computerizing all the
district offices in (2nd Administrative Reforms Commission,2008).
During the 1990s,
several government departments at both central and state levels launched projects aimed at deploying ICTs
for improving services to citizens.
attempts were made by some government departments during the latter half of this
decade to use the World Wide Web mainly for providing information to the
Several states,
particularly the southern states, achieved significant successes in using
e-governance to improve delivery of services to the citizens during this period.
This trend
continued during the early years of the last decade with Several states across
the country implementing citizen-centric-government projects.
However,these initiatives were isolated
and fragmented due to lack of adequate and integrated ICT infrastructure reaching
down to the block and village levels, lack of comprehensive back end
computerization, lack of connectivity, and lack of adequate capacity at all
levels of government to efficiently deploy ICTs for improving the quality of
The National
e-Governance Plan(NeGP), conceptualized in the early part of the last decade,
aimed at addressing all these deficiencies.
e-Governance Plan
The National e-GovernancePlan (NeGP) is the most
significant initiative taken in India during the last decade to mainstream ICT
in governance at both central and state levels. It lays emphasis on creating the
right governance and institutional framework within the country, establish the
core IT infrastructure, and implement a number of Mission Mode Projectsat the central, state and integrated levels.
The original vision of
NeGPwas to “Make all Government services accessible to the common man in his locality through common service delivery outlets and ensure efficiency, transparencyand reliability of such services at affordable costs to realize the basic needs of the common man”.
The plan, consisting originally of27 Mission Mode Projects
(MMPs)and 8 Components, was approved inMay 2006. Subsequently, during July2011,
four new MMPs on Health,Education, Public DistributionSystem (PDS) and Posts
wereadded. The respective ministriesand departments in Government of India are
responsible for overallformulation, financial approvalsand implementation of
the MMPs.
ApproachtoImplementationThe overall strategy forimplementation
envisaged anintegrated approach focusing onsix key aspects and seven
six key aspects included
interface, and
sevenguiding principles included thefollowing:
initiative and decentralized implementation;
public value;
big, start smalland scale fast;
core and support infrastructure;
public private partnerships (ppps).
Structure underNeGP
NeGP has conceptualized awell-defined governance structureto
ensure its implementation as a comprehensiveand integrated plancutting across
various central lineministries and state governments.
At the highest level, there is aCommittee headed by the
PrimeMinister to provide the overallleadership for the implementation
A National e-GovernanceAdvisory Group headed by theMinister of
Communications and IThas been constituted to seek viewsof the various
stakeholders anddeliberate on the policy issues andinterventions needed to
mainstreamICT in governance in the country.
An Apex Committee on NeGPchaired by the Cabinet Secretaryhas also
been constituted to monitorits implementation, provide policy directions and
resolve any interministerialissues.
For the actualconceptualization, financialapprovals, and
implementationof the MMPs, the respective lineministries and departments
of Electronics and Information Technology) serves as thesecretariat for the
Apex Committeein managing the NeGP and providestechnical advisory and
appraisalservices to the various departmentsimplementing the MMPs.
It isalso responsible for implementingthe core infrastructural and
othertechnical support components ofthe plan.
under NeGP
The NeGP consists of eight components.
The three main corecomponents consist of
State WideArea Networks (SWANs),
State Data Centres (SDCs),
Common Service Centers (CSCs).
All thesethree projects are being implemented by Deity. The other
five components comprise
Standards, awareness andcommunication,
Capacity building, assessment,and
Research and development.
DeitY plays a pivotalrole in these areas as well.
Mode Projects underNeGP
The 31 MMPs under the NeGPconsist of 11 central, 7 integratedand
13 state projects.
The 11
centralMMPs are as follows:
1. Banking -
This MMP has been led by the banking industry and aims at integrating the core
banking solutions across various banks in the country.
2. Insurance –
This is another industry led initiative that focuses on services in the insurance
sector being provided by the public sector insurance companies.
3. MCA 21 - This project provides various
services of the Ministry of Corporate Affairs such as registration of
companies,filing of documents, etc.through a secure portal. It has 8 service
4. Income
Tax: It aims at providing all income tax related services to citizens and businesses
under 18 service categories.
5. Central
Excise: It provides excise and customs related services such as online
filing of service tax and excise returns, e-payment of customs duties, etc. under
16 service categories.
6. National
ID/UID: It aims at providing unique identification numbers to all the
residents int he country.
7. Passports:
It offers all passport related services under 17 service categories
including applications for new passports,renewal of passports, tracking of status
of applications, etc.
8. Immigration
and Visa: It provides immigration and visa related services under 9 service
categories at the Indian Missions abroad.
9. Pensions:
It provides pension related services to pensioners under 2 service
10. E-Office:
It aims at automating all internal file management processes within
government departments.
11. Posts:
This new MMP focuses on providing all postal services in the country
including postal savings accounts and postal insurance.Out of the 11 central MPs Mentioned above, 10 have gone live and are offering services to their
stakeholders. However, not all services under their defined service categories
may be operational.
The 13
state MMPs are asfollows:
1. National
Land Records Modernization Programme (NLRMP):It aims at
comprehensive computerization of land records, integration of registration and
mutation processes, automatic updation of land records, etc. under 16 service
2. Commercial
Taxes: It provides online filing of returns and taxes, automatic refunds,
etc.under 22 service categories.
3. Transport:
It includes services like vehicle registration and driving licenses
under 18 service categories.
4. E-District:
It provides district and tehsil/block level G2C services such
as various certificates, welfares ervices , etc. under 10 service categories.
While five categories are defined,states can add five categories specific to
their requirements.An E-District pilot project hasbeen implemented across
41districts in 16 states and nowthe project is being rolled outacross all the
5. Treasuries:
It includes allpayment related servicesthrough treasuries under
13service categories.
6. Municipalities:
It providesmunicipal level G2C and G2Bservices such as birth and
deathcertificates, payment of taxesand fees, licenses, etc. under 8service
7. Police
– Crime and CriminalTracking and NetworkingSystem (CCTNS): It
aimsat comprehensive automationof police and criminaladministrationsystem inthe
country with 23 servicecategories
8. Agriculture:
It providesservices such as market prices,crop diseases and
management,best practices in agriculture,horticulture, sericulture, etc.under
12 service categories.
9. Gram
Panchayats: It includesservices like house taxes, tradelicenses, certificates,
etc. under12 service categories.
10. Employment
Exchange:It includes services such asregistration of job seekers
andguidance to them, potentialemployers and onlineregistration of vacancies,
etc.under 6 service categories.
11. Health,
Education and PDS:These three MMPs have beenadded in July 2011 and aimat providing a
comprehensiverange of services in theirrespective sectors.
of the 13 state MMPs fourMMPs, i.e., NLRMP, Transport,e-District (Pilot), and
CommercialTaxes have gone live and aredelivering various services.Two MMPs,
Treasuries andMunicipalities, have become livepartially. Three MMPs, CCTNS,Gram
Panchayats, and Agricultureare under implementation andEmployment Exchange MMP
isyet to be launched. The three newMMPs are under conceptualizationstage.
The 7
integrated MMPs are asfollows:
1. India
Portal: It aims atproviding a single windowaccess to all governmentservices
under variousdepartments at both centraland state levels.
Service DeliveryGateway(NSDG): It is amessaging middleware toroute
intelligently and securelyall service requests to therelevant backend
databasesand the processed services tothe service seeker. It facilitatesexchange
of information acrossvarious backend databases ofdifferent departments. It has
6defined service categories.
Service Centres(CSC): It provides ICT enabledfront end kiosks for
deliveringvarious G2C and G2B servicesto citizens in rural areas.
It aims at automatingcourt related services suchas e-filing of cases,
onlineavailability ofjudgements, etc.under four service categories.
5. Electronic
Data Interchange(EDI) for Trade: It enablesonline filing and clearance
ofimport and export documents,online payment of chargesand fees and exchange
ofdocuments among differentgovernment departmentsand agencies such as
ports,customs, etc. It has four servicecategories.
6. E-Biz:
It aims at providingintegrated services through asingle window for
businessesand investors related toapprovals and permissions,payment of various
fees throughone lumpsum payment, etc.under 29 service categories.
7. E-Procurement:
It providesall procurement relatedservices to various governmentdepartments
and agencies.Except the e-Biz MMP, all theother MMPs listed above have gonelive
though not all the servicesunder various categories mightbe operational. E-Biz
MMP isexpected to go live shortly.
and Challenges in Implementation of NeGP
Though several projects
underthe NeGP have achieved significantsuccess in implementation andhave
started delivering servicesto their stakeholders, manyprojects are facing
challenges inimplementation. What are theseissues and challenges?
main operational issuesand challenges mentioned by theMMPs include lack of
dedicatedproject teams, frequent changesin project leadership, lack ofcapacity
and change management,inadequate engagement with thekey stakeholders and issues
inproject management due to thesheer scale and diversity of somevery large
main institutional issuesand challenges noted by theMMPs include
inter-departmentalcoordination, duplication of infrastructure, lack of
aninstitutionalized incentive scheme,inadequate business processreengineering
(BPR), delays inobtaining necessary approvals, and exit management for PPP
MMPs pointed out thatrecognition of electronic recordsis still an issue despite
the legalmandate provided by the IT Actfor the same. In some cases, BPRneeded
legal enactments to beimplemented.
MMPs noted that delaysin obtaining financial approvalswere hampering the
progress ofimplementation. Delays in releaseof funds to the states and theirutilization
was also mentionedby some state MMPs as a majorchallenge in making projects go
livein those states.
major technologicalchallenges pointed out by theMMPs included dependency on
coreinfrastructure for implementation,software customization,
systemintegration, compliance withsecurity standards and third partyaudit, lack
of a central network andlack of adequate disaster recovery(DR) facilities.
Factors Affecting theImplementation of NeGP
We can observe from theabove analysis that the issues andchallenges
being faced by theMMPs can be broadly classified intoseven critical factors:
information,people, management, process,structure, strategy and technology.This
analytical framework allowsus to suggest interventions tomake the MMPs more
effectiveand outcome oriented in theirimplementation.
The Way ForwardHow can the MMPs be mademore effective in terms of theiroutcome
orientation and how canthey take advantage of the latestnew and innovative
technologiessuch as cloud and mobile to makeimplementation faster and
moreresource efficient? Based on theanalysis in the preceding sections,tthe
following recommendationscan be made for the MMPs in thisregard.
Redefining the Strategy:
OutcomeOrientationThe MMPs should redefinetheir service
delivery strategywith a renewed focus on outcomeorientation through
provisioningof all feasible services throughthe electronic mode,
well-definedservice levels and measurabletransactions either through CSCsor in
self-service mode.
Process: Focus on BPR
andAadhaar IntegrationThe process interventions shouldinclude
comprehensive BPRdigital signing of all the documents,electronic
authentication, integratedservices and integration of theAadhaar platform for
New and Innovative
Technologies:Cloud Computing, Mobile, andLocalizationThere
is tremendous scope forexploiting the new and innovativetechnologies such as
cloudcomputing and mobile platformfor making rollout of services faster and
more resource efficient.Cloud computing offers tremendousopportunities for
fast-tracking theimplementation of different projectsand for quickly
replicating thesuccessful e-governance projectsin various states across the
country.Similarly, as access to mobilephones is much higher compared tothe same
for computers and internet,mobile platform holds tremendouspotential for
widening the reach ofe-governance, espeically in ruralareas. Use of local
languages inapplications can facilitae easyaccess to them for the people.
Institutional Structure
andManagementEnsuring inter-departmentalcoordination and coordinationamong the
central ministries andstate government departments aresine qua nons for the
success of anyproject. They are also vital in avoidingunnecessary duplication
of efforts.Such coordination can also help intimely sanctions and releases
offunds to the implementing agenciesand states. There is also need foran
institutionalized performancelinked incentive scheme to be putin place for the
MMPs. A propermanagement information system(MIS) must be put in place by all
theMMPs to effectively monitor theperformance of the projects. Properpolicies
for strategic control and exitmanagement also need to be put inplace.
Appropriate revenue modelsfor ensuring financial sustainabilityof the projects
also need to becarefully examined.
People and Information:
CapacityBuilding andEmpoweringStakeholdersCapacity
building at all levelswithin the government is a mustfor the success of any
project. Theimportance of dedicated projectteams and change managementcannot be
overemphasized.Disseminating proper informationand empowering the key
stakeholderscan go a long way in ensuring thesuccess and sustainability of the
Issues and Challenges faced by
Critical Factors as per Heeks
and Bhatnagar (1999) Model
dedicated project
, project leader ship,
and change management,
engagement with
key stakeholders, project
People, Management,
o o r d i n a t i o n , d u p l i c a t i o n
infrastructure, lack of an
incentive scheme,
business process
(BPR), delays in
necessary approvals,
exit management for PPP
Process, Information,
delays in financial
release of funds
core infrastructure,
integration, customization
Submitted By Neeraj Kumar
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