National Action Plan for Climate Change
Principles – To achieve sustainable development
path that simultaneously advances environmental and economic objectives of
NAPCC are:
Protecting poor and vulnerable sections –
inclusive + sustainable dev, sensitive to climate change
Achieve national growth objectives – by
qualitative change in direction that enhances ecological sustainability leading
to further mitigation of GHGs
Device-effective & Cost-effective strategies
for end use demand side mgmt.
Deploy appropriate technologies for both
adaption and mitigation of GHG emissions
Innovative forms of market – regulatory &
voluntary mech. to promote sust. Dev.
Eff. Programs linking civil society & local
govt. inst. And through PPPs
Intl. co-op for research, dev, sharing and
transfer of tech. enabled by additional funding & global IPR regime that
facilitates technology transfer to dev countries under UNFCCC
Eight National Missions which form core of
National Action Plan, representing multi-pronged, long-term and integrated
strategies for achieving key goals in context of climate change –
National Solar Mission:
Since a tropical country, ours, has a great
potential as future energy source
Newer, Reflector based technologies that could
enable setting up MW scale solar power plants all over the country
R&D Program – to draw intl. coop for more
affordable, convenient solar power
National Mission for Enhanced Energy Efficiency:
BEE – Inst. Mechanism for implementation of
energy efficiency measures
A market based mechanism to enhance cost
effectiveness of improvements in energy efficiency in energy-intensive
industries through cert. of energy savings
Shift to energy efficient appliances through
innovative measures to make products more affordable
Mechanism to help finance demand side mgmt.
programs in all sectors by capturing future energy savings
Develop fiscal instruments to promote energy
National Mission on Sustainable Habitat:
ECBC (Energy Conservation Building Code), design
of new and large commercial buildings to optimize energy demand, incentives
provided for retooling existing
Recycling of waste – major component of
ecologically sustainable eco dev. Area of focus is for development of
technology for producing power from waste
Focus on Bio-chemical conversion, waste water
use, sewage utilization and recycling options
Better urban planning and shift to public
National Water Mission:
Integrated water resource mgmt. to conserve,
minimize wastage, equitable distribution
Framework to optimize water usage and increase
water use efficiency by 20%
To ensure that a considerable amount of water
needs of urban areas are met through recycling of waste water, and ensure that
water req. of coastal cities with inadequate alt. are met through adaption of
new techs (Low temp desalination technology)
National Mission for Sustaining Himalayan
Sustaining and safeguarding Himalayan glacier
and mountain eco-systems
An observational and monitoring network for
Himalayan env. To be established to assess fresh water resources and health of
National Mission for a Green India:
Forests preserve ecological balance &
maintenance of biodiversity(Carbon sinks)
Afforestation of 6million ha (increase forest
cover from 23% to 33%)
CAMPA (Compensatory Afforestation Mgmt&
Planning Authority) to work
National Mission for Sustainable Agriculture:
Device strategy to make Indian agriculture more
climate resilient
Identify and develop new varieties of crops and
especially thermal resistant crops, alternative cropping patterns, capable of
withstanding extreme weather, long dry spells, flooding and variable moisture
New credit and insurance mechanisms to be
devised to facilitate adoption of desired practices
Focus on in improving productivity of Rainfed
National Mission on Strategic Knowledge for
Climate Change:
Research, agenda, socio-economic impacts of
climate change on health, demography, migration, patterns and livelihoods of
coastal communities
Climate Science Research Fund would be created
under the Mission to support research
Mission also to focus on dissemination of new
knowledge based on research findings
Implementation of Missions:
Building public awareness will be vital in
supporting implementation of the NAPCC through national portals, media
engagement, civil society involvement, curricula reform and recognition awards,
details of which will be worked out by an empowered group
Institutional arrangements for managing climate
change agenda:
Advisory Council on Climate Change (Chairman –
PM), to respond effectively to challenge of climate change
It provide guidelines on matter of coordinated
national action on domestic agenda and review of implementation of NAPCC incl.
its R&D agenda
It guides on matters related to Intl. negotiations
including bilateral, multilateral programmes for collaboration, research and
NAPCC – Intro:
The warming of earth from 1850 to present is
The global atmospheric concentration of CO2 has
increased from a pre-industrial value of about 280 to 379ppm in 2005
The temperature increases during 2090-99
relative to 1980-99 may range from 1,1 to 6.4 and sea-level rise from 0.18 to
0.59 metres
The need is to identify and prioritize
strategies that promote development goals while also serving climate change
Imperative of poverty alleviation:
Economic reforms implemented since 1991 resulted
faster growth of Indian economy, growth rates averaged roughly 8% while the population
of india under poverty line is 27.5% and 44% are still without access to
Impacts of projections of climate change:
Impact on water resources –
Changes in key climate variables (temp, prec,
hum) have significant long term implications for the quality and quantity of
A decline in total runoff for all river basins
except Narmada and Tapti, is projected in India’s NATCOM
Decline in runoff by more than 2/3rd
is expected for Sabarmati &Luni
Due to sea water rise the fresh water sources
near coastal regions will suffer salt intrusion
Impacts on Food and Agriculture:
IARI expect great loss in Rabi crop – rise in
1deg temp will reduce wheat production by 4-5mil tonnes
Small change in temperature or rainfall has
significant effects on fruits, vegetable, tea, coffee, aromatic, medicinal
plants and basmati rice
Population of pathogens and Insects may increase
dynamically with rise in temp
Lower yields from dairy cattle & decline
& fish breeding, migration, harvests
Global report indicate a loss of 10-40% in crop
production by 2100
Adaption and Mitigation:
India’s Policy Structure related to GHG
The integrated Energy policy is adopted in 2006.
Key provisions of it are –
Promotion of energy efficient in all sectors
Emphasis on mass transport
Emphasis on renewables including biofuels
Accelerated development of nuclear and
hydropower for clean energy
Focused R&D on several clean energy related
Some other provisions taken as part of other
policies are –
Remove entry barriers and raise competition in
exploration, extraction, conversion, transmission and distribution of primary
& sec energy
Accomplish price reform through full competition
at point of sale
Promote tax reforms to promote optimal fuel
Augment and diversify energy options, sources
and energy infra
Provide tariffs for renewable (solar, wind,
biomass cogeneration)
Strengthen, and where applicable, introduce
independent regulation
Introduction of labeling programme for
Energy Conservation Building Code
If all commercial space in India conform ECBC
norms, energy consumption in this sector can be reduced by 30-40%
Energy audit of large industrial consumers
Mass transport; Clean air initiatives
Promotion of energy saving devices
Bachat lamp Yojana
Promotion of biofuels
Eight missions – way forward:
National Solar Mission –
The average solar insolation incident over india
is about 5.5kwh/m2. Just 1% of India’s land area can meet India’s entire
electricity requirements till 2030
Solar based power technologies are extremely
clean form of generation with practically no form of emissions at the point of
Solar Thermal Power Generation(STPG) –
Also called as Concentrating Solar Power(CSP)
use concentrated solar radiation as high temp energy source(>500deg) to
produce electricity
Solar Photovoltaic Generation(SPG) –
Here solar energy is directly converted to
electricity using a semi-conductor, usually a silicon diode (or Cadmium
The objective would be delivering of solar
energy competitively against fossil options from KW range of distributed &
Solar PV to GW scale of base load priced and dispatchable CSP within next 20-25
National mission for enhanced energy efficiency
in industry –
Industrial sector is the largest user of
commercial energy in India of about 42%
The direct CO2 emissions of industries is 31% of
total CO2 emissions of country
To enhance energy efficiency in big industries
by –
Mandate specific energy consumption decreases in
large energy consuming industries and facilitate the notified as designated
consumers under Energy Conservation Act, and provide a framework to certify
energy savings in excess of mandated savings. Certified excess savings may be
traded amongst companies to meet mandated compliance req (similar to Kyoto
between countries)
Tax incentives for promotion of energy
efficiency, incl. differential taxation on appliances that have been certified
as energy efficient through energy labeling program
Create Energy efficient financing platforms for
enabling PPP to capture energy savings through demand side mgmt. programs in
municipal, buildings, agriculture sector
Fiscal Incentives
National Mission on Sustainable Habitat –
It comprises of Promoting energy efficiency in
residential and commercial sector, mgmt. of municipal solid waste, promotion of
urban public transport
Energy Efficiency in residential and commercial
Energy use in commercial and residential
buildings vary significantly across economic groups, building constr. Topology,
climate etc.
Implementing carbon mitigation options in
buildings is associated with wide range of co-benefits, incl. improved energy
security and system reliability
Improved indoor and outdoor air quality and
thereby improved health and quality of life
Management of Municipal Solid Waste:
Average rate of recycling (70 pc) of India is
greater than that of most of the developed countries(US, Germany, Japan) and
also the GHG emissions from MSW is also less compared with other countries
Efforts at composting and generating electricity
from waste have generally not been successful because of systematic, technology
and pricing issues, including variable quality of waste, insufficient
segregation of MSW, opposition to siting facilities from local residents
National Environment Policy, 2006, provides for
Removal of barriers for benefit utilization of
non-hazardous mat
Impl. PPP to operate haz and non-haz waste
disposal facilities on payment of user fees, taking into acc. concerns of
Survey and Prep of national inventory of toxic
and hazardous waste sites and online monitoring of their movement
Giving legal recognition to and strengthening
informal sector systems of, collection and recycling and enhancing their access
to finance and technology
R&D need:
Biomethanation tech. for waste to energy (incl.
Dev of indigenous gas engines for waste to
energy apps to reduce overall cost to the package
Upgrading plastic waste recycling tech to reduce
occupational and environmental hazards
Recycling tech for constr. & demolition
wastes & e-waste
Promotion of Urban Public Transport:
The use of CNG helped reduce air pollution due
to diesel use in some cities because of its low particulates emission
Biofules – Ethanol blending of gasoline upto 5%
is needed in 9 states and is expected that this limit to be increased to 10%
production from JatrophaCurcas and Pongamia shrubs is also increasing
Hydrogen has the potential to replace fossil
fuels in future
FCVs (Fuel Cell Vehicles) fuelled by hydrogen
have zero CO2 emission and high efficiency, address air quality, and promotes
energy security
Following actions are proposed for transport
Promoting use of coastal shipping and inland
waterways, apart from rail based movement to long distance road based mov.
Encouraging energy R&D in railways
Introducing appropriate transport pricing
measures to influence purchase & use of vehicles in respect of fuel eff.
& fuel choice
Tightening of regulatory standards such as
enforcing fuel-economy standards for automobile manufacturers
Establish mechanism to promote investments in
dev. of high capacity public transport system
Abandoning of old vehicles to be made illegal
with suitable legislation & fixing responsibility of owner in handling it
Setting of demonstration
unit for recycling of vehicles, especially two wheelers, which require new
Setting of a Combustion Research Institute to facilitate R&D in advanced
engine design
Providing tax benefits and investment support
for recovery of materials from scrap vehicles
National Water Mission –
Studies on management of surface water resources
Management and regulation of groundwater
Accounts 40% of total available water resources
in the country and meets nearly 55% irrigation requirements, 85% - rural &
50% - urban\
Upgrading storage structures for fresh water and
drainage systems for wastewater
Conservation of wetlands
Development of desalination technologies
National Mission for sustaining the Himalayan
Ecosystem –
It provides ecological security by forest cover,
perennial rivers, irrigation and hydro power, conserving biodiversity, high
value agriculture, spectacular landscapes
Relevant measures to conserve Himalayan
Ecosystem are:
Adopt appropriate land use planning and water
shed mgmt. practices for sustainable dev. of mountain ecosystems
Best practice norms for infra constr. In
mountain regions to avoid or minimize damage to sensitive ecosystems and
depositing of landscapes
Encourage cultivation of traditional varieties
of crops and horticulture by
promotion of organic farming
Promote sustainable tourism through best
practice norms and access to ecological resources and multi-stakeholder
Considering particular unique mountains as
entities with ‘Incomparable values’, in developing strategies for their
National Mission for Green India –
Increase in forest cover and density
Silviculture practices for fast growing and
climate-hardy tree species
Reduce fragmentation of forests by provision of
corridors for species migration (both flora and fauna)
Enhance PPP for raising plantations for
increasing cover, density
Impl. of Greening India Plan
Formulation of forest fire management strategies
Conserving Biodiversity
Insitu&exsitu conserving of genetic species
(of endangered, threatnd)
Creation of Biodiversity registers for doc
genetic diversity & Knowledge
Eff. Impl. of Protected Area System under
Wildlife Cons. Act
Eff. Impl. of National Biodiversity Conservation
Act, 2001
National Mission for Sustainable Agriculture –
Dryland Agriculture:
Net cultivated area - 141mil ha; dryland/rainfed – 85mil ha (60%)
Risk management and Access to Information
Strengthening of current agro and weather
insurance mechanisms
Creation of web enabled regional language based
services for facilitation of weather based insurance
Dev. of GIS and remote-sensing methodologies for
detailed soil resource mapping and land use planning at level of watershed or a
river basin
Maintaining of regional soil, weather,
genotypes, land-use patterns and water resources
Provide information of off-season crops,
aromatic and medicinal plants, green house crops, pasture development, agro
forestry, livestock etc
Use of Bio-technology
Convert C3 crops to more carbon responsive
C4 crops to achieve greater
photosynthesis efficiency for increasing productivity
Dev. of crops with better water and nitrogen use
efficiency which may result in reduced emissions of GHGs or greater tolerance
to drought or submergence or salinity
National Mission of Strategic Knowledge for
Climate Change:
Research in key substantive domains of climate
science like monsoon dynamics, aerosol science, ecosystem responses
Model to improve quality & specificity of
climate change incl. hydro cycles
Create essential research infra (high perf
computing & large bandwidth n/w)
Other Initiatives:
GHG mitigation in Power Generation
Reserves and Potential for generation
Coal deposits – Jharkhand, Orissa, Chattisgarh,
WB, AP,Maha – 99%
Present energy mix in electricity generation in
Coal(55); Hydro(26); Oil & Gas(10); Wind(7);
To adopt Super critical and Ultra-super critical
plants (thermal plants) achieve efficiency of 40 & 45% resp compared to
Indian coal (bituminous) comprise of High ash,
low-sulfur content
Focus on Closed cycle three staged nuclear power
Other Renewable Energy Technologies Programme
Usage of Biomass for power options – Straight
biomass combustion, Biomass Gasification
Not harmful to its counterpart coal ash, bio
degradable, enhance agriculture productivity
Biomass growth – water & soil conservation,
T&D losses low
Disaster management response to extreme climate
events –
Reducing risk to infra through better design
Strengthening communication networks and
disaster management facilities
Protection of coastal areas
Improvement in health sector – enhanced public
health care services, assessment of increased burden of disease due to climate
Creating appropriate capacity at different
levels of government
Recent Successful ongoing Non-conventional ongoing projects
Technology Informatics Design Endeavor(TIDE), a Karnataka based NGO, disseminates
smokeless stoves among rural women in the state.
TIDE identified the Sarla stove, designed by the
Centre of Science and Technology, to be the most effective as it was easy to
build, use and maintain.
Moreover, it required only agro waste as fuel,
which is very accessible to the rural community.
Bachat Lamp Yojana is a scheme developed by the Bureau of Energy Efficiency
that replaces incandescent bulbs with Compact Fluorescent Lamps (CFLs) to avoid
carbon dioxide emissions, overheating and overconsumption of electricity in
The Bureau of Energy Efficiency (BEE)
coordinates the implementation of the Bachat Lamp Yojana in various states by
supporting CFL manufacturers, traders and investors and through collaboration
with Electricity Distribution Companies (DISCOMs).
Once the CFLs have reached their end of life,
suppliers arrange for the collection and scrapping of CFLs in an environment
friendly manner.
North Eastern Region Community Resource
Management Project (NERCORMP)works
towards the objective of creating livelihood for vulnerable groups while
contributing to environmental conservation.
The project, implemented jointly by the
International Fund for Agricultural Development and the Government of India
represented through the North Eastern Council, brings together the knowledge,
expertise and ideologies of the government, IFAD, local civil societies and the
communities to unleash the potentials for development tapped in the backward
Power Systems (HPS) is a rural electrification company that uses a renewable
energy source to produce and supply electricity at a low cost and in an
environmentally friendly way.
The platform is a biomass gasification
technology that converts rice husks into combustible gases that can drive
generators to produce electricity.
company, partnered with Development Alternatives (DA), an Indian non-profit
organisation, to pilot the Community Solar Power Plant (CSPP) project in two
villages: Rampura and Gopalpura in Jhansi district, Uttar Pradesh.
Village Energy Committee (VEC) was formed and trained to operate and maintain
the solar plant locally.
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